
love smile
Dating Love

more than 10,000 Looking for a girlfriend or a "travel buddy" right now

Get a travel buddy » If you want to find a girlfriend - boyfriend, or have your lover passed away far too soon and you miss a good friend, a lover or a travel companion for the rest of your life, then Smiling Dating may be just you - Smiling Dating is a safe and secure setting for you and singles looking for a boyfriend girlfriend, You can create your dating profile easily and completely free as over 10,000 other singles have already done. Maybe Smiling Dating is your dating site too.

Every third Dane finds a girlfriend - boyfriend online and here at Smiling Dating there is room for everyone. Whether you are looking for a girlfriend, a flirt, a date or you are just here to 'have fun'. You just choose what you are interested in. You can always delete your profile again. Read about the love bus Get on - get off


Create your free profile » If you have a question, ask it here or find answers to questions already asked.

Smiling Dating allows you to find your girlfriend, - boyfriend, friend or just someone to talk to - completely free.
You can ask questions here and we or others like you can see and answer your questions
NOTE Everything you write here on the Debate page is completely public and anyone can read along.

QR CoderTonny
et bynavn
Tonny Parnell

What is a QR Code  

What is a QR Code

When Restaurant Café Olai Helsingør opened under Corona restrictions, a QR code was introduced to read the digital and contactless menu card

QR Code Cafe Olai menu card

QR Code is a two-dimensional "bar" code - also a so-called matrix code, which was developed in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso-Wave. "QR" is a synonym for quick response, which is the idea behind QR codes.

Online with QR Code menu card The QR code is "free", In return, the developer demands that the company be accredited with the text "QR code is trademarked by Denso Wave, inc."

The idea behind the QR barcodes was that they should be used in the production of cars, where robots etc. could automatically recognize the QR code.

Gradually, QR barcodes have been widely used in general and are used today for a wide range of purposes because the QR code can contain much more information and larger blocks of text and can be quickly read by a mobile phone such as: Postal addresses, URLs to web pages, phone numbers, email addresses and countless other places.

When you insert and use the QR barcode, it is saved as an "image file". JPEG

You must be aware that a QR barcode can contain very large amounts of data, and is therefore often used by hackers where tracking cookies are inserted without your knowledge, this often applies when you use the "FREE" offers on Google

Make your FREE QR Code here

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