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Smiling Dating JacklineJackline
I am now single Woman and miss a loving Man I can share the joys of life with

My name is Jaceline. I am a single French woman without kids from Paris. Now I'm looking for a loving relationships. I want a man, love of my rest life.
ArchitectAge: 26WomanFrance

Smiling Dating Darcy DeuphineDarcy Deuphine
I am now single Woman and miss a loving Man I can share the joys of life with

My name is Darcy Deuphine. I am a single French woman without kids from Paris. Now I'm looking for a loving relationships. I want a man, love of my rest life.
ArchitectAge: 23WomanFrance

Smiling Dating Birgitte BramsenBirgitte Bramsen
woman who became single too early seeks a loving man travel companion

am a middle-aged nurse who misses a loving husband I have 2 children who have now left the nest and I now have time to travel and enjoy life, but it is so boring to travel alone.
NurseAge: 32WomanDenmark

Smiling Dating LadyMojoLadyMojo
Single woman seeks a loving man as a travel partner

Louise and LadyMojo present to you a new 3 bedroom duplex penthouse for sale in Benalmadena for 169.000 € per share. It has beautiful panoramic sea views as well as a jacuzzi overlooking the bay of Benalmandena.

Smiling Dating Nuller GirlNuller Girl
I miss a loving man travel companion boyfriend

Jeg blev alene for 2 år siden og savner nu en god ven, rejsekammerat. Jeg vil beskrive mig selv som lidt luksuriøs og vi har rejst en hel del med Silversea og Seabourn skibene Jeg er ikke den store Sexdulle, men jeg forsøger at være rar og omsorgsfuld. Hvad har du lyst til ?
Own restaurantAge: 70WomanDenmark

Smiling Dating Fru NielsenFru Nielsen
Single woman seeks a loving man as a travel partner

Jeg er en kærlig kvinde på 73 år. jeg mistede min mand for 3 år siden ved en ulykke i USA. Nu kunne jeg bruge en fornuftig mand til at dele udfordringer, glæder og oplevelser i hverdagen med. er der en derude der har det på samme måde, kunne vi måske dele avis over morgenbordet.
NurseAge: 73WomanDenmark

Smiling Dating PippiPippi
Single woman seeks a loving man as a travel partner

I am a middle-aged woman looking for a loving man 50 60 years old
ActorAge: 57WomanRomania

Smiling Dating Maria ThulesenMaria Thulesen
I am now single Woman and miss a loving Man I can share the joys of life with

My name is Mathilde. I am a single Danish woman without kids from Elsinore Denmark. Now I'm looking for a loving relationships. I want a man, love of my rest life.
NurseAge: 32WomanDenmark

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